Votre sécurité est notre priorité

Nous avons amélioré nos standards de nettoyage afin de vous offrir des lieux sûrs pendant vos vacances. Nous appliquons les recommandations des agences spécialisées dans le service de nettoyage et de désinfection de nos propriétés.

Nous avons amélioré nos standards de nettoyage afin de vous offrir des logements sûrs pendant vos vacances.


Nettoyage et désinfection

Désinfection avec certification

DésinfectionGuide de nettoyage standard

En réponse au coronavirus (Covid-19), nous avons mis en place un protocole complet de nettoyage et de désinfection de nos logements.

Personnel de nettoyage et d'entretien

Le personnel de nettoyage est équipé d'un matériel de protection composé de gants et de masques jetables. Ils se lavent les mains avant de commencer et désinfectent leurs téléphones portables.

Une fois le nettoyage terminé et avant de partir, ils désinfectent les poignées de toutes les portes.

Le personnel d'entretien (piscine, jardinage, etc.) n'a pas accès au logement pendant le séjour du touriste, sauf dans les cas extrêmes où d'urgence.

Produits désinfectants

L'équipe de nettoyage utilise des produits désinfectants biocides efficaces contre lecoronavirus et certifiés par des entités telles que le ministère de la santé, le CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), l'EPA, etc, en suivant leurs recommandations d'utilisation pour garantir leur efficacité.

Certains de ces produits sont :

  • Hypochlorite de sodium à une concentration de 1/1000
  • 25 c.c. de lessive dans un litre d'eau
  • 62-71% d'éthanol ou 0,5% de peroxyde d'hydrogène

Pour le nettoyage, il convient d'utiliser des produits jetables tels que le papier pour désinfecter les surfaces. En cas d'utilisation de chiffons, ceux-ci doivent être lavés à une température supérieure à 60ºC après chaque utilisation.

Surfaces de contact fréquent

Les surfaces de contact et celles où le virus peut rester plus longtemps sont méthodiquement désinfectées avec les produits recommandés. C'est le cas pour:

  • Les interrupteurs, prises, chaînes et interrupteurs pour lampes et ventilateurs
  • Rebords de fenêtre, poignées et boutons
  • Poignées d'armoires
  • Appareils électroniques
  • Contrôles et câbles pour les équipements électriques et électroniques
  • Contrôles de température
  • Cintres et porte-bagages
  • Boutons ou poignées de tiroir de bureau
  • Télécommandes
  • Jouets, jeux et services pour enfants tels que des chaises hautes.
  • Rampes d'escalier et balustrades de porche extérieur
Sols et salles de bains

Les sols et les salles de bain sont également désinfectés avec des produits anti-virus approuvés, ainsi que d'autres objets tels que les sèche-cheveux et les produits de confort comme le savon, le shampoing et les produits de nettoyage.

Vaisselle, couverts, ustensiles de cuisine et appareils ménagers

Par mesure de prévention, toute la vaisselle et tous les ustensiles de cuisine, même s'ils n'ont pas été utilisés, sont lavés au lave-vaisselle à une température minimale de 65ºC.

Les appareils électriques tels que les cafetières, les grille-pain, les micro-ondes, l'intérieur des réfrigérateurs, etc. doivent également être désinfectés avec les produits recommandés.

Textiles, canapés et tissus d'ameublement

Tous les ensembles de draps et de serviettes, même ceux qui ne sont pas utilisés, sont remis à neuf. Ils ont été préalablement lavés à une température minimale de 60 degrés dans des cycles de lavage complets.

Les tissus d'ameublement et les canapés sont vaporisés avec un désinfectant textile tel que Sanytol (Biphényl-2-ol : 0,4%, Ethanol : 30,6%).

Nettoyage et désinfectionExtract of VRMA desinfection guideline

In response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and for your peace of mind we have implemented a cleaning and disinfection protocol in all our accommodations following the recommendations of the Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) and the Vacation rental housekeeping professionals (VRHP)

Below you will find a summary of these recommendations.

Cleaning and Maintenance Staff

Cleaning and maintenance staff will wait at least 3 hours to enter the property after check-out and if possible even 24 hours for more security.

If there is more than one cleaning staff during cleaning, social distancing will protocols will be followed.

The cleaning staff will be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) which consists of disposable masks and gloves. Splash goggles will be worn if the staff enters the property within the 3 hours after check-out.

Gloves will be disposed of after each property is cleaned and hands will be washed immediately after the removal of the gloves.

Masks will be thrown away. In the case of washable masks these will be inserted immediately in a zipper bag to be washed later.

Maintenance staff will not have access to the property during the stay of the guest, they will only have access in case of an emergency.

Disinfectants, Cleaning Agents & Materials

The cleaning staff will only use disinfectants that are certified by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) which prove to be effective against SARS-CoV-2.

You can find the list of approved disinfectant and cleaning agents here.

Some of these products are:

  • Hydrogen peroxide; Peroxyacetic acid (Maguard)
  • Quaternary ammonium (Clorox)
  • Sodium hypochlorite (Bleach)

The materials used to clean will be disposable ones such as paper or wipes which can be thrown away after their use. In the case cloth wipes are used, these will be placed in zip bags and washed at a temperature of 60ºC or more to disinfect.

Disinfection of High-Touch Surfaces and Major Areas

All major and high-touch surfaces and areas will be cleaned and then disinfected with the recommended EPA approved products. These include:

Door knobs (inside and out), lockboxes or electronics lock panels, elevator buttons, stair railings, telephones, light switches, remote controls, arms of chairs, refrigerator door handles, sliding door handles, toilets, faucets and knobs, clothes hangers, touch screens, and play sets/toys etc.

Guest Duties Check-In & Check-Out

It is recommended that the guest should perform their check-in remotely rather than going to a vacation rental office.

It is recommended that before check-out the guest should leave the HVAC or Ceiling fans on to ventilate areas.

If this is not possible the cleaning inspector or cleaner will open a few windows.

Soft Surfaces, Upholstery, Linens and Bedding

Soft surfaces and upholstery will be sprayed with a sanitizing product.

As per linens, bedding and towels these will be removed and placed in plastic bags and thoroughly washed at a minimum of 60ºC with the recommended washing products.

Dishes, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils and Household Appliances

As a preventive measure, all dishes and kitchen utensils, even if they have not been used, should be washed in the dishwasher at a minimum temperature of 65ºC or with recommended disinfectant products

Appliances such as coffee makers, toasters, microwaves, refrigerator interiors etc. are also disinfected with the recommended products

Floors and Bathrooms

Floors and bathrooms are also disinfected with approved products, as well as other items such as hair dryers and amenities such as soap, shampoo and toiletry supplies.

Désinfection avec certificationExtract of VRMA desinfection guideline

In response to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and for your peace of mind we have implemented a cleaning and disinfection protocol in all our accommodations following the recommendations of the Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA) and the Vacation rental housekeeping professionals (VRHP)

Below you will find a summary of these recommendations.

Cleaning and Maintenance Staff

Cleaning and maintenance staff will wait at least 3 hours to enter the property after check-out and if possible even 24 hours for more security.

If there is more than one cleaning staff during cleaning, social distancing will protocols will be followed.

The cleaning staff will be equipped with personal protective equipment (PPE) which consists of disposable masks and gloves. Splash goggles will be worn if the staff enters the property within the 3 hours after check-out.

Gloves will be disposed of after each property is cleaned and hands will be washed immediately after the removal of the gloves.

Masks will be thrown away. In the case of washable masks these will be inserted immediately in a zipper bag to be washed later.

Maintenance staff will not have access to the property during the stay of the guest, they will only have access in case of an emergency.

Disinfectants, Cleaning Agents & Materials

The cleaning staff will only use disinfectants that are certified by the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) which prove to be effective against SARS-CoV-2.

You can find the list of approved disinfectant and cleaning agents here.

Some of these products are:

  • Hydrogen peroxide; Peroxyacetic acid (Maguard)
  • Quaternary ammonium (Clorox)
  • Sodium hypochlorite (Bleach)

The materials used to clean will be disposable ones such as paper or wipes which can be thrown away after their use. In the case cloth wipes are used, these will be placed in zip bags and washed at a temperature of 60ºC or more to disinfect.

Disinfection of High-Touch Surfaces and Major Areas

All major and high-touch surfaces and areas will be cleaned and then disinfected with the recommended EPA approved products. These include:

Door knobs (inside and out), lockboxes or electronics lock panels, elevator buttons, stair railings, telephones, light switches, remote controls, arms of chairs, refrigerator door handles, sliding door handles, toilets, faucets and knobs, clothes hangers, touch screens, and play sets/toys etc.

Guest Duties Check-In & Check-Out

It is recommended that the guest should perform their check-in remotely rather than going to a vacation rental office.

It is recommended that before check-out the guest should leave the HVAC or Ceiling fans on to ventilate areas.

If this is not possible the cleaning inspector or cleaner will open a few windows.

Soft Surfaces, Upholstery, Linens and Bedding

Soft surfaces and upholstery will be sprayed with a sanitizing product.

As per linens, bedding and towels these will be removed and placed in plastic bags and thoroughly washed at a minimum of 60ºC with the recommended washing products.

Dishes, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils and Household Appliances

As a preventive measure, all dishes and kitchen utensils, even if they have not been used, should be washed in the dishwasher at a minimum temperature of 65ºC or with recommended disinfectant products

Appliances such as coffee makers, toasters, microwaves, refrigerator interiors etc. are also disinfected with the recommended products

Floors and Bathrooms

Floors and bathrooms are also disinfected with approved products, as well as other items such as hair dryers and amenities such as soap, shampoo and toiletry supplies.